Sebastian the Cat
Original Artist: Marylin Robertson
Conceived by: Marco Mezzanotte
Studio: Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli
Materials: Artificial Stone, Marble, Natural Stone, Venetian Smalti, Ecological Smalti, Fused Glass.
Technique: Direct
Height (cm): 70
Width (cm): 56.5
Depth (cm): 4
Weight (kg): 10.5
Marilyn Robertson has an established reputation as one of the UK’s leading contemporary illustrator/artists. Marilyn creates an idiosyncratic series of cats with personality - Jasper, Thomas, Sebastian and Leopold.
Maestro Marco Mezzanotte has paid tribute to one of the cats – Sebastian – in a fun and decorative mosaic.
He has used artificial stone, marble, natural stone, Venetian smalti glass, ecological smalti glass and fused glass to create vibrancy and texture.
This mosaic tribute has been carefully executed ensuring that it captures the “catitude” (cats with attitude) that Robertson imparts within her work.